On October 10, 2024, at the premises of the Ministry of Regional Development and Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations, a co-financing agreement was signed for the project HEARTS – „Healthcare Equity and Access for Resilient Targeted Support“ between the NGO Association of Parents of Children with Developmental Difficulties – Podgorica and the Ministry. The project was supported through the Ministry’s Public Call for Co-Financing Projects and Programs of NGOs funded by EU funds for 2024.
The HEARTS project was approved for financing under the INTERREG VI-A IPA Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro 2021–2027 cross-border cooperation program.
Project Details:
Duration: 30 months
Total Budget: €1,716,255.00
EU Contribution: 85% of the budget
Co-Financing: 15% covered by project partners through domestic funding sources
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